Sangeeta S Bahl

Self Belief is the Power Mantra of Women

I have had the time of my life speaking my heart out to the women from all walks of life. It connected me to my soul even more because I am climbing Mount Everest to spread that gender equality is a must and strength of women united can make a huge difference in society.
Listening to women post my talks and during the question answer sessions has enriched me further about the needs of women and what they really crave for.
Is it love ?
Is it appreciation ?
Is it financial stability or is it the push to do something that a woman of today wants?
What is it that they really want ?
I have spoken to about 800 women in the last two days on the occasion of international women’s day. The ages ranged from mid twenties to early fifties but let me tell you that the late bloomers are giving a run for the money to the youth. They were the first to ask questions and had far more energy. I also think it could be because of the diet that contributes to your lifestyle.
I remember whilst growing up , my family hardly went out to eat and if we did, it was a special occasion like a birthday celebration or wedding anniversaries. But now eating out happens all the time subjecting the body to all kinds of junk food at odd hours. The effects start showing with sluggish digestion, low energy and lazy attitude about not getting up and moving. With my experience at home and in the mountains, I chose to share these elements of success.

Food,Diet and Exercise

Diet and Exercise go hand in hand for a women’s. An who is multitasking all day long. The crucial part is the right type of food which contains less oil and at the time when it is easily digested. Women spend their entire lifetime looking after their families, it’s just there in the DNA of an Indian women.
TIP: Look after yourself first.

Seeking approval

Whilst I advocate building a harmony in the world and within families, stop seeking approval of each and everything concerning your life. Take an independent charge to lead the life you wish to. It’s possible and you have to be in the driving seat of making choices about your life.

Financial Stability

Each woman should strive to become economically independent irrespective of social status. You will enhance the power to exercise your position in family and society. I say this from my heart because not only have I worked all my life but have seen times when I gave up my full time work to just have the feeling of being looked after. I wanted to change the situation to come back to a happier me. You can aim to make 2017 your year.

Appreciation and Unity

Women I gather, basically want to be told they are doing a great job. I feel that if a woman starts appreciating another woman, there’s no other strength better than this. I envisage a revolution of power emerging. Unity is the first call for women empowerment. There’s a study which has proven that in the later years , all women gravitate towards other women and seek friendships, go on holidays and also have started forming women based companies.
Let the women’s day emerge as a woman’s Year 2017.

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