Sangeeta S Bahl


The HolyBENARES A couple on their quest to explore the world’s greatest treasures Reality of life right here staring in the face at Manikarna ghat Last year Feb 2021 was the first time that I visited Varanasi for the first time. It had been on my bucket list for years but was not happening among… Continue reading The Holy BENARES

The new Anti aging Diet is Veganism

MINDFUL EATING “YOU BECOME WHAT YOU EAT” ” You start looking younger, healthier and live guilt free life. Nothing could be better than this truth. What we put in our bodies is what is visible.When I was a young girl and inexperienced about food choices because there was no time to devote on the effects… Continue reading The new Anti aging Diet is Veganism

Categorized as Veganism

Veganism and Animal rights march New Delhi

Life indeed has taken on a new turn in my life since I become VEGAN. This journey is started in 2015 with my awareness of eating meat on the great lakes of Kashmir treks. I also looked at mother and baby goats looking out for each other as they moved in herds. The nights in… Continue reading Veganism and Animal rights march New Delhi

Categorized as Veganism

Voiceless of the street have a new address in Gurgaon

This project has not suddenly happened. Lots of water under the bridge . It is finally out and hear my story for becoming the voice and heart of the animals. I would like to spread this all over india . A country is known by its people and the way they treat the animals. Our… Continue reading Voiceless of the street have a new address in Gurgaon

Relationship with self is the ultimate key to success.

“Make yourself your first Priority” -Sangeeta S Bahl Two weeks are already over in 2019 and your life too is passing by each day swiftly. The greatest gift you can give to yourself is how you treat yourself each day. Time spent on you will be the dividends of tomorrow. Invest your life by treating… Continue reading Relationship with self is the ultimate key to success.

I will never go back to being the person I was before Mount Everest 2018

When I returned from Everest, this coverage was waiting for me in Hindustaan Times 27th may 2019. Not only that the whole media and press were sharing this news. Now I realised, I had more responsibility as a citizen to share my wisdom and inspire others to follow their dreams. A woman who believes” Nothing… Continue reading I will never go back to being the person I was before Mount Everest 2018

Everest Diaries 4

Hey everyone, I am putting down all that has happened in the last two weeks. It’s 0600 am and am huddled in the comforts of my sleeping bag in the base camp after returning from camp 2 6550 mts yesterday. I have had the best sleep in years after many days! I am right now… Continue reading Everest Diaries 4

Everest Diaries 3

I am so fortunate to be perched up high with my tent at a point where the first rays of sun stream into the warmth of my tent. The glistening snow and particles quietly melt into vapour and water. I can see the kitchen tent as I slowly unzip the flap to witness the awesome… Continue reading Everest Diaries 3

Everest Dairies 2

Update from Sangeeta: 17th April 2018 Puja performed by the Lamas at the Everest base camp for the team to ascend safely higher. On 19th April, our first rotation goes as follows: we make our way up to camp 1 and touch camp 2, and return to base camp.