Sangeeta S Bahl

Voiceless of the street have a new address in Gurgaon

This project has not suddenly happened. Lots of water under the bridge . It is finally out and hear my story for becoming the voice and heart of the animals. I would like to spread this all over india . A country is known by its people and the way they treat the animals.

Our new home for the street babies. A start!!

Mother with 5 puppies and only survivor is Raju who is sitting on my son’s lap.

In 2012 ,adjacent to a vacant plot , a female street dog gave birth to 5 puppies and used to look for shelter around trying to keep them in one place . I could not keep these puppies at home as I lived with two cockers already. My heart used to melt looking at them outside our home. So decided to make a shelter of bricks n tarpaulin. While it was good for the puppies , it was not good for the mom as she had to bend low to get in and out. Very soon the house vanished , bricks were broken and stolen and tarpaulin went missing. 4 puppies died and mother was taken away I heard.. One survivor Raju is still around.

“Puppies” one month old.

Then in 2014 , in the thick Of winter in December , someone threw a sack with 5 new born puppies without the mother in sight on the main road . It was 0300am in the morning, pitch dark and crying babies on the street . i walked out with a torch to see where the noise was coming from. Four puppies were cawling whimpering and One had fallen in a ditch . All of their eyes were still closed. I picked up all 5 of them and nursed till they were able to open their eyes . Then with the help of a kind hearted soul Joyita Bhattacharya we built a shelter next to a park manned by a gardener and his wife. Since there were 5 of them, i started calling them puppies. one died but the four remaining “ Puppies” still run in to greet and respond to this name..

I went to UMEED to play with all the animals there because I was so devastated. It was my pet pepsi’s voice who said” go and help other doggies”.

In 2015 my own pet Pepsi died of tick fever and I was devastated . I sought ways to help other street dogs. I remember distributing biscuits and water to every street dog that I encountered . This went on for 3 months . I always felt that they had a raw deal with no one to speak for them or treat them well. I vowed to look after them in whatever way was possible . I made temporary shelters over the years and helped them now and then but those shelters did not last for more than a season . Dogs still struggled to find a place to call their own . They needed a street address .

The houses happened by designing it in such a way that they were protected from heat, cold and rain. They are durable and hopefully i should be able to do a post on the owners of these homes soon.

Show love wherever you go.

Feeding dogs in Dehradun Uttrakhand.
Showing love to newly born calves in himachal pradesh during the beas kund trek

My love for animals have grown over the years and so has my compassion. Each street animal must be cared for and looked after. It takes very little to be kind.

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